What is React Native ?

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Rajeshkumar S
Rajeshkumar S
about 2 months ago
webappmobiledevelopmentandroidJavaScriptReactReact NativeiOScross-platform


React Native is a powerful framework for building cross-platform mobile applications using JavaScript and React. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, React Native provides an efficient way to create dynamic and performant apps for both iOS and Android.

In this blog post, we'll explore the key concepts of React Native, discuss its benefits, and guide you through creating your first React Native app.

What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source framework developed by Facebook. It allows you to write mobile apps using the same codebase as React (a popular JavaScript library for building web applications). Here are some reasons why React Native is a great choice:

  1. Cross-Platform Compatibility : Write once, run anywhere! React Native enables you to create apps for both iOS and Android platforms without duplicating efforts.

  2. Native Performance : Unlike hybrid frameworks, React Native compiles to native code, resulting in excellent performance and responsiveness.

  3. Reusable Components : Leverage existing React components and libraries to build UI elements efficiently.

Getting Started


Before diving into React Native, make sure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js
  • npm (Node Package Manager)
  • Watchman (for macOS users)
  • Xcode (for iOS development)
  • Android Studio (for Android development)

Creating Your First React Native App

  1. Install React Native CLI : Run the following command to install the React Native CLI globally:
npm install -g react-native-cli
  1. Create a New Project : Use the following command to create a new React Native project:
npx react-native@latest init MyFirstApp
  1. Run Your App : Navigate to the project directory and start the development server:
cd MyFirstApp
npx react-native run-ios  # For iOS
# OR
npx react-native run-android  # For Android
  1. Edit Your App : Open the project in your favorite code editor and start customizing your app. You can modify the App.js file to see changes reflected in real-time.

Key Concepts

Here are some key concepts to understand when working with React Native:


React Native apps are built using components. Components can be functional or class-based and represent different parts of your UI. Examples include View, Text, Image, and custom components you create.


Use stylesheets (similar to CSS) to style your components. React Native provides a set of default styles, but you can also create custom styles.

Navigation is crucial for mobile apps. React Navigation is a popular library that helps you manage navigation between screens.

APIs and Native Modules

Access device features (camera, geolocation, etc.) using APIs and native modules. React Native bridges JavaScript code to native code seamlessly.


  1. Cheaper than Native Development:

    • When using React Native, you only need to build an application once in JavaScript.
    • In contrast, following a native approach requires building separate apps from scratch for iOS and Android.
    • React Native significantly reduces development costs by sharing a single codebase for both platforms.
  2. Accelerates Development and Reduces Time to Market:

    • React Native streamlines the development process.
    • You can create features faster, iterate quickly, and launch your app sooner.
    • This agility is crucial in today's competitive market.
  3. JavaScript:

    • React Native leverages JavaScript, a widely used language.
    • Many developers are already familiar with it, making adoption easier.
    • You can tap into the vast JavaScript ecosystem and libraries.
  4. Smaller Team vs. Pure Native:

    • With React Native, you can achieve more with a smaller development team.
    • No need for separate Android and iOS experts—JavaScript developers can handle both platforms.
    • This staffing efficiency translates to cost savings.
  5. React Native is Open Source:

    • Being open source means continuous community contributions and improvements.
    • You benefit from bug fixes, enhancements, and new features driven by a dedicated community.
  6. Hot Reloading:

    • React Native offers hot reloading, allowing you to see changes instantly during development.
    • This speeds up debugging and enhances productivity.
  7. Massive Developer Community:

    • A large community of React Native developers shares knowledge, best practices, and solutions.
    • You'll find resources, tutorials, and support readily available.
  8. Close to Native Performance:

    • React Native compiles to native code, resulting in excellent performance.
    • Your app feels responsive and behaves like a native application.
  9. Close to Native Look and Feel:

    • React Native components map directly to native UI elements.
    • Users won't notice a difference—they'll experience a seamless, native-like interface.
  10. Modular Architecture:

    • React Native encourages a modular approach.
    • You can reuse components across different parts of your app, improving maintainability and scalability


React Native empowers developers to create stunning mobile apps with ease. Whether you're building a simple app or a complex project, React Native's flexibility and performance make it an excellent choice.

Remember to explore the official React Native documentation and community resources to enhance your skills and stay up-to-date.